Quick Facts

Stampede Track Club, Inc.
Contact Information

Immediate: Admin@stampedetrackclub.com

Mailing Address:
Stampede Track Club
11700 Preston Road
Suite 660-160
Dallas, Texas 75230


Training begins in March of each year, and the season ends during the last week of July or first week of August at the Jr. Olympics Games.

School Track Season

Stampede Track Club believes in supporting the efforts of any athlete who wants to experience the joy of competing for his or her school track team, and does not seek to interfere with that relationship. Stampede respects the school track coaches of each Stampede team member, the role of school coaches, and their obligations to their schools.

Club Structure

Stampede has a “two teams, one club” structure that meets the competitive needs of young athletes of all levels of talent and stages of development. Stampede offers each young athlete an opportunity to be a member of one of the following teams (depending upon which one Stampede views as the best fit for the athlete):

  • Participatory Team—Accommodates the needs of normally-developing and performing athletes.
  • National Team—Accommodates the needs of fast-developing young athletes who are at least 13 years-old, and have achieved performances that Stampede Track Club can validate/accept and that meet the nationally-elite times/standards set by the Club.

At competitive meets, each Stampede team member wears the same club uniform.

Who Is Eligible to Join Stampede

Young male and female athletes that are seven (7) years-old through eighteen (18) years-old.


How Do I Join

Participatory Team—Show up for practice at West Mesquite High School; check website for the 1st practice date (and the practice dates for the season).

National Team—Young athletes must be at least 13 years-old by May 2010 to be eligible for National Team membership. Elite track athletes who are known to Stampede and eligible will receive letters of invitation to join the National Team beginning in March (and up through the end of June) of each year. Of course, Stampede does not know of every elite track athlete. Thus, anyone wanting to nominate an elite athlete for National Team membership may do so by sending an email to Admin@stampedetrackclub.com.

Does Stampede Track Club Compete in AAU or USA Track & Field Meets?

Stampede Track Club respects—and competes in competitive events staged by—both AAU and USA Track & Field. Stampede does not take a position on whether either organization stages the most competitive events. Extensive analysis of the results from each organization’s 2009 Jr. Olympics Games proved inconclusive. Thus, Stampede’s position is one of neutrality.

Depending on the event, the age group, the competitor’s gender, etc., in any given year either organization’s set of Jr. Olympic Games could be stronger than the other’s.
In some years, Stampede also competes in the Texas Amateur Athletic Foundation events (the state championship meet for youth track & field in Texas).

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Club Leadership

Stampede’s organizational structure and club leadership will take the following form:

  • Board of Directors—The Board will assume the conventional duties of a non-profit’s Board (i.e., strategic direction, stewardship, sustainability, oversight and resourcing the organization).

  • Coaches Advisory Board—The CAB will provide insight and advice to the Board regarding matters relating to (a) the athletes’ competitive experience, and (b) the coaches’ experiences in instructing and training the athletes.
  • Coaching Staff—The Coaching Staff will consist of a Club Head Coach, and a full complement of Assistant Coaches.
  • Club Manager—The Club Manager will ensure that the daily administrative and operational activities of Stampede are performed (including coordinating ‘volunteer’ efforts).