Welcome, and thanks so much for visiting Stampede Track Club’s internet home. Our hope is that it gives you a good idea of what our organization is about, the role that youth track & field can play in the lives of athletes, the quality of our athletes, and how we pursue excellence. The Dallas/Fort Worth area has a number of summer track clubs that are led by a number of good people who want good things for the athletes in their programs. We respect each of those track clubs, and are proud to be a part of this track & field community.
Stampede Track Club traces its roots in this track & field community to the Spring of 2004, when Raymond Reason and Willie Drew, two working class fathers with a passion for sports and coaching young athletes, formed “West Mesquite Stampede”. Their goal was to have an innercity track & field team where (a) kids of all different talent levels could compete and get the most out of their talents, (b) adults could be supportive of young athletes in a positive and appropriate manner, and (c) everyone involved could have fun along the way.
Coach Willie Drew
Coach Raymond Reason
In early 2009, West Mesquite Stampede underwent a major transformation. It kept the best parts of its legacy (e.g., its talented young athletes, its passionate founding coaches, its ‘neighborhood track club’ spirit, its family feel, its team colors, etc.), and added new elements that will enable it to best help young male and female track athletes to reach their full potential. The new elements are reflected throughout this website (in particular, in the areas labelled “Training”, “Club Structure”, “Beyond Stampede” and “Collegiate Track”).
The new elements also included a rebranding and reorganization of the club, and “Stampede Track Club” emerged.
Stampede Track Club still enjoys the presence of Coach Reason and Coach Drew, and still pursues their three initial goals. In addition, Stampede Track Club’s goals are also to (a) consolidate the best male and female track talent from all parts of the Dallas/Fort Worth area on one team to form the most competitive track club in the nation, and (b) be a source that collegiate track coaches look to every year to find nationally-elite young track athletes.
To accomplish these goals, Stampede Track Club’s focus is on excellent technical training, discipline, work ethic, positive attitudes, respectful behavior, instilling in each athlete a belief in his or her talent, and—of course—having fun. Stampede Track Club believes that athletes have to learn to celebrate teammates, preparation, and competition. They also have to learn to accept all results in the right spirit in order to grow.
Finally, Stampede Track Club would like to thank the collegiate track coaching community for its warm embrace of this track club and our internet home.