Beyond Stampede

Youth summer track has to be about more than simply pursuing teenage glory. Athletes do not spend their entire lives running youth summer track. There is a bigger world, with greater challenges, awaiting them after they have run their last lap for their summer youth track club. For a few, their path will be running track collegiately. For others, it will be continuing to pursue their love for track & field as a coach, trainer or administrator. And many will pursue other dreams that have no relationship to track & field whatsoever.

Stampede Track Club athletes never leave the Stampede family, but they do reach the end of their Stampede eligibility at some point. At that time, their time with Stampede needs to have provided them with a sense of how to take the work ethic, discipline and character that they had to develop to achieve their goals in track, and apply them to achieving their other goals in life. The “Beyond Stampede” initiatives are designed with those thoughts in mind.