Strength & Conditioning

In conjunction with the Michael Johnson Performance Center, Stampede Track Club provides its nationally-elite young track athletes with unparalleled Technical Speed Training.
However, a young track athlete cannot get the full benefit of Technical Speed Training unless that athlete has the proper Strength & Conditioning Training.

Simply put, there is no adequate substitute for training that features a high volume of properly-structured work on the track. This is an area of training in which Stampede Track Club’s coaches have always excelled.

Additionally, Stampede Track Club’s athletes have a high collective work ethic. Athletes find themselves feeding off of their peers’ desire to do the extra work needed to get better.
Stampede Track Club’s Strength & Conditioning Training does not include weight training.

Stampede Track Club is also proud to have a “zero tolerance” stance when it comes to banned Performance Enhancing Drugs. If you are an athlete that “needs that extra edge in order to compete at the highest level”, and you choose to get it from PEDs, Stampede is not the track club for you.